Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My first Prince Tale

I myself have had no encounters with the formerly known artist formerly known as Prince, however I have heard at least 5 good ones. Clearly this means I had to start a blog about the subject. So here goes my first one...

This guy I met at a going away party was in a jazz group. One of his bandmates does sound enginering on the side and was working the booth at First Ave (or something like that). Well, was having a hell of a time getting the sound levels right (you know, the knobby things in recording studios and stuff), nothing sounded right.

So he kept monkying around, when all of the sudden he realized he was not alone. Infact, tiny Prince was standing next to him, and said in his freaky low voice to the guy, "Move over." So the guy moved over and Prince rapidly corrected all of the levels to his satisfaction and then left. But, just as he was exiting the booth, he turned to the guy and said sassily (if that is a real word), "Maybe you should try taking up needlepoint instead."

Okay, so I know Prince was all about First Ave. In Purple Rain back in the 80s, but does he still just hang out there? And how weird would it be to have Prince suddenly apear next to you and then tottally make fun of you?!!! I would be in heaven if that happened to me. And needlepoint? Is that some sort of saying for people that suck at what they do? I've never heard that one!


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